Toyirov is the son of Normuhammad Sultanali
The head of the sector of organization of scientific-research activities of talented students
Reception hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Phone: +99891 150 50 95
Abdunabiyev is the son of Jasurbek Ibrahimjon
Engineer of the sector of organization of scientific and research activities of talented students
Phone: +99894 892 14 55
Regulation of the sector of organization of research activities of talented students
1.1. This sector conducts its activities in accordance with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Regulation on Searching, Identifying and Targeting Talented Youth” and orders, government decisions, guidelines, TashDTU Ko’ conducts on the basis of the orders of the director of the blood branch and this Regulation.
1.2. This sector is a structural part of the branch, reports to the deputy director for scientific affairs and innovations and is managed by the head of the sector.
1.3. The executive body of the sector is the deputy dean for scientific affairs in the faculty, the responsible person in the departments and the heads of the scientific circles operating in the departments.
1.4. The sector directs, coordinates and manages the activities of talented students who are part of it.
Forming and regularly updating a single database of talented and enterprising young people in the Kokan branch of TDTU and ensuring their cooperation with leading scientists and businessmen of the country;
Identifying the intellectual potential of talented students;
3. Rights of the sector
3.1. Sector rights are exercised by the head of the sector, and in his absence, by the sector engineer on his instructions.
3.2. The branch requires reports on the activities of talented young people from faculties and departments, as well as information on their implementation.
3.3. Conducting inspections in faculties and departments on issues related to sector activity.
3.4. Has the right to evaluate and control the activity of existing circles in departments.
4. Obligations of the sector
4.1. Submission of reports on the activities of talented youth in established forms to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education within the specified time limits.
4.2. Reporting to the Branch Council on the activities of talented youth.
4.3. Providing prompt information and data to branch management on sector activities.
4.4. Ensuring timely execution of relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and instructions of the Ministry.
4.5. In order to organize the activities of the sector in a qualitative manner, keeping a collection of the following documents: